Can I import my contacts from Outlook to Google Contacts?

Yes, you can import your Outlook contacts into Google Contacts before sharing them. First, you need to export your contacts from Outlook as a.csv file and then import it to Google. 

Export contacts from Outlook

  1. Öffnen Sie Outlook.
  2. Gehe zu People und wählen Sie Manage contacts > Export contacts.
  3. Wählen Sie All contacts and click Export.

The file called “contacts.csv” will be downloaded to a specified location on your hard drive.

Images showing how to export contacts from Outlook

Import contacts to Google

  1. Öffnen Sie Google-Kontakte.
  2. Click on Import in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on Wählen Sie file and choose the CSV file you exported from Outlook.
  4. Klicken Sie auf Import.

Now you’ve imported your Outlook contacts with Google and can manage them, create contact labels, and share them using Shared Contacts Manager.

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