¿Puedo designar a otro usuario para que gestione mis usuarios y ejecute la suscripción Shared Contacts Manager?

Yes, it is possible. The Shared Contacts Manager admin can select any licensed user and appoint them as another admin. This allows the appointed user to have the same administrative privileges as the original admin. The original admin’s role and managerial functions remain unaffected. Once appointed, the new admin gains full access to all functions, including managing users, adding licenses, and appointing other admins.

To appoint another user as admin, follow these steps:

  1.  Log in to your Shared Contacts Manager account and click Manage Users.Manage users location in Shared Contacts Manager
  2.  Locate the licensed user you want to assign as another admin. Then, click the Appoint admin icon. If you ever need to revoke admin privileges, select the user and click the Remove admin icono.Appointing user as a subscription admin

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