Bagaimana cara menghapus instalasi Shared Contacts Manager?

To uninstall the app, please refer to the steps in this Google Marketplace support article

If you no longer need Shared Contacts Manager, or if you no longer want it to have access to your data, you can uninstall it by following the steps below.

If you’re an individual user

  1. Pergi ke Google Workspace Marketplace > Apps list to see a list of all your installed apps.
  2. Select the app you want to uninstall.
  3. Pilih Uninstall, and then confirm by clicking Uninstall App.
Google Workspace interface showing steps to uninstalling the application

Alternatively, you can open the app listing in the Marketplace and click Uninstall.

The Uinstall button next to the Shared Contacts Manager in Google Workspace Maketplace

If you’re a Google Workspace administrator

As an administrator, you can uninstall a Google Workspace Marketplace app for specific users or the entire organization. When an app is uninstalled, users will lose access to it unless they have permission to reinstall it themselves.

Steps to Uninstall an Admin-Installed App:

  1. In the Admin console, navigate to Menu > Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace apps > Apps list.
  2. In the Domain Installed Apps list, click on the app name you wish to uninstall.
  3. On the left side, click Uninstall App.
  4. To confirm, click Uninstall.

Once uninstalled, the app will no longer be accessible to users except those who installed it individually. 

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