Comment synchroniser les contacts d'iOS vers Gmail : Un guide complet

Vous souhaitez synchroniser vos contacts entre iOS et Gmail, mais vous n'arrivez pas à vous concentrer sur cette mission technique ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous sommes là pour vous aider ! Ce n'est pas sorcier, il suffit de savoir quelles sont les icônes à repérer. Voici un guide qui vous guidera pas à pas.

Why Do You Need to Sync Contacts from iOS to Google Workspace?

In today’s connected world, convenience is key, and syncing your contacts across all your devices—whether personal or work-related—is a huge time-saver. Many small and medium-sized businesses rely on Google Workspace for both personal and professional communication, making it essential to sync iOS contacts with Gmail.

Cross-platform, device-independent contact syncing is a modern convenience that most of us quickly come to depend on.

We’ve all been there: scrambling to find someone’s contact information, searching through multiple apps on different devices, and still not having any luck. Or maybe you use an iPhone for personal calls but rely on an Android device for work. Without contact syncing, constantly switching between devices can become frustrating.

Another common scenario is when iPhone users switch to Android, either for personal use or because of work requirements. In these cases, syncing your Google contacts with iOS can make the transition much smoother.

Whatever your reason, backing up your iOS contacts to Google is a smart move that can save you a lot of hassle in the long run.

Comment synchroniser les contacts d'iOS avec Gmail

To sync your Google contacts with iOS, just follow these steps:

  1. Ouvrir le Paramètres app on your iPhone.
  2. Robinet Contacts.
  3. Sélectionner Comptes.
  4. Robinet Ajouter un compte or choose an existing account (in this case, select your Google Workspace account).

  5. Choisir Google from the list of email providers.
  6. Sign in to your Gmail account, entering your email and password, and grant the necessary permissions.
  7. Toggle Contacts to the “on” position to sync your contacts.
  8. Robinet Économiser in the upper-right corner.

NB : À ce stade, l'appareil peut vous demander de choisir l'une des options suivantes :

  • Garder sur mon iPhone (to retain existing local contacts)
  • Supprimer (to remove existing contacts).

Rendre le compte Gmail par défaut pour les nouveaux contacts ajoutés sur l'iPhone

Once you’ve synced your iPhone contacts with Google Contacts, you can also set Gmail as the default account for new contacts:

  • Ouvrir le Paramètres app.
  • Robinet Contacts. 
  • Sélectionner Compte par défaut.
  • Choose a Gmail account.

Transférer des contacts d'iOS vers Android via Gmail

Once you’ve synced your iOS contacts with Gmail, syncing them to your Android device is easy—just follow our guide for syncing Android contacts with your Gmail account.

Unlike a backup, syncing allows for continuous two-way data exchange. Once you’ve set up syncing, any new contact added to one device will automatically appear on the other.

Sauvegarde des contacts iOS avec Google Drive

Vous pouvez également sauvegarder vos contacts iOS avec Google Drive. Suivez ces étapes pour mener à bien la mission :

  1. Télécharger Google Drive to your iPhone.
  2. Log in with your Gmail account.
  3. Ouvrir Google Drive and tap the three-line menu icon.
  4. Sélectionner Paramètres.
  5. Robinet Sauvegarde.
  6. Toggle Contacts.
  7. Go back to the main screen and tap Démarrer la sauvegarde in the bottom-right corner.

All your current iPhone contacts will now be backed up to Google Drive.

Note: This is a one-time backup. Any future changes to your iPhone contacts won’t be reflected in Google Drive unless you manually back them up again.

Backing up your contacts is especially useful for added security—such as when you’re traveling to places where your phone might be at higher risk of being lost or stolen.

Tips for Fixing Google Contacts Syncing Issues on iOS Devices

If you run into problems syncing your iOS contacts with Gmail, try one of these solutions:

Redémarrer votre iPhone

A simple reboot can often fix many technical issues. For newer iPhone models, press and hold either of the volume buttons or the side button until the slider appears. For older models, check Apple’s official support page for instructions.

Pour plus d'informations sur les autres modèles d'iPhone, consultez la page Service clientèle d'Apple site officiel [les derniers modèles utilisent l'algorithme ci-dessous]

Pomme: comment redémarrer l'iPhone X et les modèles ultérieurs

Suppression et réactivation de votre compte Google

You can also try removing and re-adding your Google account. Go to Contacts, select Groupes, and then untick and retick your Gmail account. If that doesn’t work, remove and re-add your Google account in the Paramètres app.

Désactiver et réactiver la synchronisation des contacts

Another method you could try is to fully break the link between your smartphone and Google Contacts by disabling and re-enabling your Contacts sync. Go to Paramètres > Contacts > Groupes, and toggle off syncing. Then, turn it back on to refresh the connection.


Now that you know how to sync your iPhone contacts with a Google account, you can streamline your workflow and save time by keeping everything in sync across devices.


How long does it take to sync iOS contacts?

It usually takes just a few minutes to sync iOS, contacts with Google, depending on your internet connection and the number of contacts you have. For most users, it should take no more than 3-5 minutes.

How often do you need to sync iOS contacts?

Once you’ve synced your iPhone with Gmail, the contacts will stay synchronized. This means that new contacts added on either device will automatically update across both.

Pourquoi mes contacts iOS ne sont-ils pas synchronisés avec Gmail ?

The most common reasons are incorrect sync setup, confusing syncing with backup, or issues signing in to your Google account. Make sure you’ve followed the steps carefully and are signed in properly.

1 Commentaire. En écrire un nouveau

  • That’s so simple, this iPhone-Gmail syncing. The article is huge, but just follow the first guide and you are all set.


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