Påvirker prikker i e-mailadresser kontaktdelingsprocessen?

In free Gmail accounts designed for personal use, dots in email addresses don’t matter. Whether someone adds dots to your address or not, you’ll still receive the email. For example, if your email is johndoe@gmail.com, messages sent to john.doe@gmail.com eller j.o.h.n.doe@gmail.com will all reach the same inbox. So, dots don’t impact contact sharing in any way.

However, if you’re a Google Workspace user and your email belongs to a domain, like “johndoe@mydomain.com,” the dots do matter. In this case, dots are recognized as part of the address. For example, “john.doe@mydomain.com” and “johndoe@mydomain.com” would be treated as two separate email addresses. This means that dots can affect both email delivery and contact sharing within domain-based accounts. To modify the dots in your domain email, you’d need to contact your administrator.

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